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Hot off the press!

Research from SCCAERAB recently published in Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology highlights how linguistic acculturation–and its relation to alcohol misuse–should be considered in the context of the digital world. See the full paper at the following link (or available on request from Dr. Perrotte):

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New Paper Alert!

Just out in the Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences — Dr. Perrotte collaborated on a paper led by Dr. Yessenia Castro of the Steve Hicks School of Social Work at UT Austin examining smoking-related norms among Mexican/Mexican American individuals who smoke. Unexpectedly, results indicated that women perceived smoking to be as common (descriptive norms) and…

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Dr. Perrotte awarded competitive NIH contract renewal

Dr. Perrotte has been selected to receive a $15,417.17 LRP award from the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) for Health Disparities Research (Research program title: Expanding the scientific toolkit for research on alcohol use and misuse among U.S. Latinas: Implementing holistic research methods toward culturally relevant measures). This is the third consecutive…

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Congrats to Lin Tran for a MARVELOUS thesis defense!

Lin Tran successfully defended her Master’s thesis, examining the connections between intergenerational conflict, helicopter parenting, mental health, and alcohol use among Asian Americans.  The thesis committee (Drs. Perrotte, Clegg, and Mendez) were very impressed  with the presentation and are excited about the continued development of this important line of research. Way to go, Lin!

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Continue reading SCCAERAB rocks TXST conferences

SCCAERAB rocks TXST conferences

TXST undergraduates Sarah Wondra and Shaheena Lofthus had a great showing at the Psychology Day and Undergraduate Research Conferences. Shaheena presented her work on acculturation and alcohol/substance use among South Asian American young adults. Sarah (pictured here) presented her outstanding work on the ways that social media addiction is linked to experiences of discrimination and…

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Publication Alert: TXST Psychology collaboration, just out in Eating Behaviors

Members of the SCCAERAB team (William Murley and Dr. Perrotte) collaborated with Drs. Krista Howard and Crystal Oberle on a paper examining the connections between social media use, anxiety, and a form of disordered eating known as food and alcohol disturbance (FAD). They found that social media use and anxiety contributed to FAD (and disordered…

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Publication alert: Exciting collaboration for SCCAERAB

Dr. Perrotte was happy for the opportunity to collaborate with TXST faculty Dr. Natalie Ceballos and Dr. Reiko Graham, along with several awesome TXST students on this recently published paper, which offers a rare glimpse at how specific risky drinking practices relate to salivary cortisol. The team found that women who pregame (i.e., consume alcohol…

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Continue reading Way to go, Lin Tran!

Way to go, Lin Tran!

SCCAERAB is delighted to announce that Lin Tran has been awarded a generous travel award to attend the National Hispanic Science Network conference next month in Washington D.C. to present her research on intergenerational conflict, binge drinking, and stress among Hispanic/Latina/o/x college students. Well done, Lin! Your SCCAERAB teammates are very proud!

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William Murley wins first place!

Three cheers to William Murley for winning first place among graduate students at Texas State’s Psychology Day for his research poster presentation Factors of Food and Alcohol Disturbance! In his research at SCCAERAB, he’s exploring the connections between social media use, mental health, and Food and Alcohol Disturbance (FAD; in which individuals restrict caloric intake…

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